
Part of Noise Games is a small Helsinki and Tokyo based studio developing games and playful projects that engage in societal discussions. We help companies and institutions with projects related to education, raising awareness, and information design. PONG demonstrates a unique creative approach to game development by creating customer-tailored experiences with skillful game design, mechanics, and narratives.


Think Ink 2024 competition second place!

Part of Noise is proud to announce our second place in the Think Ink Competition...


Developing a Baltic Sea game together with HELCOM...


City of Kotka has commissioned Part of Noise to participate in COOL Kotka program...

Finished project

Naapurit-game in Kouvola is finished! A cool project created together with...

Exciting News!

Tomorrow Island is a BLON Aware Game Awards nominee this year...

A new build of Merge Forest is here!

Merge Forest is a satirical match three game where the player is cutting down forests...


We participated in the FGJ 2023 and made a small educational game Lecture #28: How Plants Grow Roots...

Words make worlds

We participated in the Ludum Game Jam and created Lexicon...

Oppop mathsgame

Oppop is a small childrens mathsgame demo...


Part of Noise Games are:
Camilla Pentti (MA) is a Helsinki based multidiciplinary designer with an over a decade long experience working as an art director, designer and illustrator in visual communication and games related projects. She has illustrated several award winning children’s books and held many jury positions and positions of trust. With an education in both game design and visual communication her core interest is in designing of playful projects and interactions, where artfullness, visual narratives and progressive creative thinking is needed.

Personal webpage
Tatu Heinämäki is a visual artist and game developer. Drawing from the practices of contemporary art and video games he wants to make games that have something to say. With almost ten years of teaching media art under his belt Heinämäki is interested in games as tools for learning. He thinks games can express things that otherwise would be left unsaid.

Personal webpage